I ate pinaplle on pizza...

John decided to eat pineapple on pizza tonight, after having his friend say, "pineapple on pizza is a horrific monstrosity from hell and anyone who eats shall feel the wrath of the buttock devil, for having eaten something that even the devil hates. IF YOU EAT IT YOU BECOME THE MOST EVIL THINGS." so john replies "so mushrooms?". john new he would annoy his friend by ordering pineapple on pizza.
after getting the pizza john's friend joe, saw what he got screamed bloody murder and ran out of johns house yelling "THE SINGALS ARE LIT. THE HELL HOLES ARE BEING LIT TO DEVORE THE DEVILS. PREPARE. YOUR. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
john had no idea what he meant. he ate his pizza and used the bathroom, realizing he's constipated. "oh i don't feel so well..." john said going to bed.
john woke up with a hell like feeling coming out of his anus. he looked up realizing that a strange man was coming out of his butttock. he screamed, and the devil said, "you should have listen to ya friend ya pineapple pizza cunt. who in da fuq does dat? i hate them." "yeah well i like it!" john repliad. "to bad, ya fat cunt." the devil said devoring john's anus, then the rest of him.
da end.